True Vue 30
Nosey neighbours?
Need privacy?
If you have ground floor windows that can be seen into by neighbours or face onto public spaces you may want to prevent passers-by looking in.
Particularly if you have a home office, valuables on view or simply don’t want your living room to become a goldfish bowl.
Don’t worry – just ask Don.
Don says:
A great solution is Solar Gard’s True Vue 30 privacy window film.
From the outside it’s pretty much impossible to see in.
But from the inside the window hardly looks any different and vision out is unimpaired.

Before & after
No need for messy net curtains!
The film is dual-reflective too – so provides good vision back out through the windows in the evenings.

In this picture you can see that although he top half of the window has not been treated it’s hard to tell the difference, the impact on the look of the window from inside is minimal.
Soalr Gard have a large range of excellent window films providing solutions for everything from safety & security to heat & glare issues.
You can get them all quickly and easily from tintsandtools.com.
We’ve even given all our films a handy ‘star’ rating so you can see just how well they perform. Our own installers have worked with these films for years – so they know exactly what their strengths [and weaknesses] are.
Don Cameron
If you need window film and are unsure about anything – don’t get it wrong, just ask Don!
He can sort out your sizing issues [and cut film to size too], advise on best film for your particular problem, sort samples, arrange delivery, and provide tips and support for installation.
Oh – and can help you select the most appropriate tools for the job from our professionally selected range.

Get that job done.
Call Don
0118 989 5200