Do you need DIY window film?
Do you want stylish tinted windows for your car?
Do you need to keep cool in the conservatory?
Do you more privacy from nosey parkers?
Do you need window film tools and materials?
Do you need window film cut to size?
Do you want samples so you can try before you buy?
Do you need help, tips and advice on how to install window film?
Then is the right place for you! is our new online shop offering a wide range of films for domestic, residential and commercial use – all available to buy direct online and delivered to your door.
Purchase by the metre or by the roll with our simple, easy to use e-shop.
We are trusted partners of global industry giants like SolarGard & 3M.
We have a wealth of insider information to help you make the right choice – and ensure you have a trouble-free and pleasant experience buying all your window film from us.
We’ve tried to make product information clear and concise, offer a solid range of top quality films, and a second-to-none service – including fast delivery – and we can even cut-to-size if you need it.
We’ve asked our own installers and team to give their warts-and-all opinion on all our films – so you get the benefit of their experience on what films are best for particular applications – and which to avoid.
The film’s the star
Our ‘star’ ratings and comments help you identify and select the best window film for your specific requirements.
Buy your window film direct with our amazing new online shop today!